I was at this particular church one Sunday to preach. Typical of many a charismatic church, the (unwritten) order of service had a prayer session before the worship and the word.
The pastor leading the prayer exhorted the congregation on the power in Jesus Name, and the need to always enchant His name in prayer. At the end, he asked all to bring out their needs and then shout “JESUS” seven times. The Church went into a frenzy, at the end of which seven “amens” were added. And that was it. We were all to go and expect our miracles.
Praying in Jesus Name is not essentially about “Jesus” attached or chanted as an incantation at the end of our prayers. That is merely playing WITH the name of Jesus._
Praying IN Jesus’ Name is about ensuring that our prayers conform to His will and carry His divine approval. Those are the prayers that attract the attention of Heaven and bring answers.
▪︎ ©Buti Sam KPUTU